
Stop Asian hate: Please Step Up & Help If You See Someone Getting Attacked

My 6-year old nephew was at the park and another kid was upset he was climbing on the jungle gym that she was on.  She said, “I don’t know where you’re from or if you speak English but you need to get out of here!”  The little girl’s tone was contempt and all I could …

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Plastic Surgery, BOTOX, & Fillers: At What Point Is It Worth It?

When I reached my mid 30’s I noticed my face starting to change. Particularly my eyes when I tried to do “smokey eye” make-up one night. I looked at photos. OMG. I can’t do my eyeshadow like this anymore. It makes my eyes look sunken in!  Other things I’ve noticed: – Bags under my eyes …

Plastic Surgery, BOTOX, & Fillers: At What Point Is It Worth It? Read More »

How My Ex Helped Me Get Clear On What I Needed

I dated this guy for a while. Let’s call him Dave. I liked Dave because he was patient, adventurous, and I felt like I could be myself around him. This was during a time when I attracted emotionally unavailable men, so Dave was, of course, emotionally unavailable.  Despite us “breaking up,” we still hung out often …

How My Ex Helped Me Get Clear On What I Needed Read More »

What Brings True Joy? Slow down & Tap Into Your Soft Side

“Water is fluid, soft, and yielding. But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield. As a rule, whatever is fluid, soft, and yielding will overcome whatever is rigid and hard. This is another paradox: what is soft is strong.” – Lao Tzu Tapping into my soft side brings me joy. When …

What Brings True Joy? Slow down & Tap Into Your Soft Side Read More »

Why It’s Important Now (More Than Ever!) To Have Self-Awareness, Compassion, & Good Communication

I was babysitting my niece and nephew. We made paper airplanes and they started coloring them. My nephew saw my niece drawing princesses on her plane and he got mad. He told her to stop because, “Airplanes don’t have princesses on them!” I said, “Adam, there are all sorts of airplanes, even ones with princesses …

Why It’s Important Now (More Than Ever!) To Have Self-Awareness, Compassion, & Good Communication Read More »

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