3 Reasons You Should Schedule A Photoshoot With Your Best Friends Right Now

3 reasons you should make time to book a friend photoshoot:

1. Some friends are like family.

Same blood doesn’t ensure someone is going to have the same values as you. Same blood does not ensure someone is going to stick it out with you through thick and thin. Character trumps all. Good friends are like chosen family.

2. Quality time.

As we get older priorities change. One day you find yourself “adulting” and wonder where the time went. In high school we would say, “Come on guys! Let’s go to the portrait studio!”. Why not do that as adults as well? You’ll get quality time, plus it’s fun!

3. Everyone likes a nice professional photo of themselves.

If you’re going to have forever memories around, might as well have them look good!

Sisters Photoshoot. Friends Photoshoot. www.christinechangphoto.com

Jessica and I have been friends since college.

I transferred to UCLA Junior year. When I moved into the dorm the first person who saw me said, “You look like Jessica.”

I said, “Who’s Jessica?.”

Fast forward since then and we’ve experienced:

– Me using her ID until I turned 21.

– Being asked if we’re twins or sisters a thousand times.

– Becoming besties who are into self-awareness, personal growth, and being the best versions of ourselves.

– My mom asking me, “Is this you or Jessica in this photo?.”

– Going to a shoe store asking to try on a pair of shoes and the salesperson handing the requested size out to the other person.

– Me ugly crying while giving my MOH speech at her wedding in Mexico.

– Her ugly crying watching the first dance at my wedding.

– My husband telling me he gets Jess and I confused if we’re wearing similar outfits and in a group setting.

– Her husband reaching to hold my hand when we were all scuba-diving.

– Being mistaken for each other a billion other times.

Sisters Photoshoot. Friends Photoshoot. www.christinechangphoto.com

Married with businesses and kids. I’m glad we made time for this “twinsies” photoshoot. We’ve been talking about doing it since college. Luckily we are both proactive and do what we say we’re going to do, even if this particular instance is 18 years later. 🙂

More photos below by Tina Chiou.

Sisters Photoshoot. Friends Photoshoot. www.christinechangphoto.com

We tried to do some “fashion-y” shots (you’ll see some below), but 99% of the time was spent like this. Nerds at heart.

Sisters Photoshoot. Friends Photoshoot. www.christinechangphoto.com

Sisters Photoshoot. Friends Photoshoot. www.christinechangphoto.com

It was so hard for us not to laugh!

Sisters Photoshoot. Friends Photoshoot. www.christinechangphoto.com

Jess really plays ukelele. I pretend to play ukelele while watching cat sniff my popcorn feet.

Sisters Photoshoot. Friends Photoshoot. www.christinechangphoto.com

Sisters Photoshoot. Friends Photoshoot. www.christinechangphoto.com

Sisters Photoshoot. Friends Photoshoot. www.christinechangphoto.com

To be honest we looked alike more so back when we were younger. Now my eyeballs are starting to sink in. Wah! That won’t stop some play time though.

Twin Photoshoot. www.christinechangphoto.com

Sisters Photoshoot. Friends Photoshoot. www.christinechangphoto.com

Sisters Photoshoot. Friends Photoshoot. www.christinechangphoto.com

If you have never booked a friend photoshoot, it’s time to do it! Capture memories with loved ones at every stage in your life. 🙂

2 thoughts on “3 Reasons You Should Schedule A Photoshoot With Your Best Friends Right Now”

  1. Pingback: How To Take Family Photos That Are Not Cheesy - Christine Chang Photography

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